LGBTQ+ flag with mask and heart

Supporting the Mental Health of LGBTQ+ Students in a Post-quarantine Academic Year 

...especially harsh for transgender people. The New York Times. Kim, J. (2020, June 23). U.S. 7-day average of coronavirus cases surges 30% from week ago. Kosciw, J. G.,...
An arrow made of grass sliding up a trending upward graph

Five Emerging Trends for Academic Leaders 

<span class="excerpt_part">...Council. Shaffer, S. (2015, April 20). 10 best math apps for students. Retrieved from: https:/<strong>/www</strong>.teenlife<strong>.com</strong>/blogs/10-best-math-apps-students. Weil, E. (2016). Meet your new school library media specialist. Scholastic Administrator. Retrieved from: <strong>www</strong>.scholastic<strong>.com</strong>/browse/article.jsp?id=3749779....</span>
Paper boats going different ways
Program Development

How to Encourage Faculty to Adopt Open Educational Resources 

...Educational resources in U.S. higher education, 2017. Retrieved from Staben, C. (2019, February 13). A new way to motivate faculty adoption of OER. Inside Higher Education. Retrieved from

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Diversity, Faculty Development

Teaching and Learning Centers as Catalysts for Faculty Diversity Development 

...Flaherty, C. (2014, May 30). A ‘growth’ field. Inside Higher Ed. Retrieved from Jaschik, S. (2016, September 26). Epidemic of racist incidents. Inside Higher Ed. Retrieved from Schroeder,...