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Blog Posts

potential applicant for an interim position

Interim Administrative Appointments in Higher Education: Considerations for Potential Applicants 

In a recent article, we delineated several institutional motivations for and benefits of interim administrative appointments. Initially, the appointing administrator elects to immediately launch a full search or to make an internal (or even external) interim appointment. Relevant considerations might include the costs of a search, including adding a new...
old car driving
Faculty Development

Well-Being and Well-Thinking: How to Stay Healthy in Academia 

This article first appeared in Academic Leader on March 16, 2020. © Magna Publications. All rights reserved. Resilience is about growing both personally and professionally when we face difficult situations. It is about coming out the other side as a stronger or more prepared person rather than bouncing back to...
Leading Your Academic Department Toward Inclusion
Diversity, Faculty Development

Leading Your Academic Department Toward Inclusion: How to Ensure Faculty are LGBTQ+ Competent 

During my six years at the University of Connecticut, I had the opportunity to interact with many different faculty members across our campus community. This was particularly true during my final two years, when I coordinated our Rainbow Center’s Out to Lunch (OTL) Lecture Series. The OTL Lecture Series—our center’s...
Students protesting white supremacy on campus
Diversity, Mission and Philosophy

Creating Dialogue in the Interest of Social Justice on Campus 

In a polarized national climate, free speech and First Amendment protections have drawn increasing attention on college campuses. With the advent of open white nationalism, expressions of white supremacy, and the potential for hate speech, campuses have sought to protect student safety and guard against the harassment of minoritized students....
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