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Blog Posts

Clemson, fire protection
Campus Safety, Risk Management

Clemson Provides Textbook Case of Performance-Based Fire Protection at New Football Practice Facility 

The Allen N. Reeves Football Complex is the first in South Carolina history to utilize a performance-based design code analysis approach (tested to meet specific goals) to fire code safety, instead of a traditional prescriptive approach (adhering strictly to written codes), according to Paul Borick, one of Clemson University’s Capital...
domestic violence, dating violence, stop
Risk Management, Student Affairs

What Academic Leaders Should Know about Student Dating and Domestic Violence 

According to the National Coalition against Domestic Violence (NCADV), domestic and dating violence includes intimidation, emotional abuse, threats, physical violence, and sexual violence. The abuse is part of a “systematic pattern” of behavior the abuser uses to have power over and control of an intimate partner. It is also something...
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