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Blog Posts

The Administrative Role in Managing Difficult Students: A Look at the Literature
Campus Safety, Risk Management

The Administrative Role in Managing Difficult Students: A Look at the Literature 

Community college administrators are responsible for many areas of the institutions they serve. Presidents, directors of student services, those in academic support, and deans and chairs of academic units are all charged with managing institution resources, administrating mandates from legislation, and responding to internal and external constituencies. Much of the...
Evaluating Online Teaching: Implementing Best Practices
Faculty Evaluation, Human Resources

Evaluating Online Teaching: Implementing Best Practices 

More than a decade ago, Thomas Tobin, coauthor of the new book, Evaluating Online Teaching: Implementing Best Practices, was hired to teach a business English and communications class in a hybrid format. When the time came for evaluation, he received a very thorough evaluation based on the chair’s observation of...
STEM Fatigue
Administration, Program Development

STEM Fatigue 

For a little more than a decade, the STEM disciplines (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) have been enjoying something of a privileged status at American colleges and universities. While enrollments in some other areas are stagnant or declining, they have been rising steadily in many STEM courses. In state systems,...
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