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Blog Posts

The Research Process and Its Relevance to the Culture of Assessment
Research, Scholarship

The Research Process and Its Relevance to the Culture of Assessment 

As higher education evolves, so too does the importance of assessing learning. New regulations, financial constraints, and accrediting agencies are stressing that colleges and universities should strengthen assessment organizationally. However, when assessment is discussed in large faculty forums, the concept often, strangely, becomes very foreign to them. Here is where...
Building a Pathway to Cultural Competence Through Academic Service Learning
Curriculum, Scholarship

Building a Pathway to Cultural Competence Through Academic Service Learning 

As colleges and universities seek to prepare students for professional careers in a diverse, global society, the attainment of cultural competence is an essential capacity that can no longer be overlooked. Cultural competence involves the awareness, knowledge, and skills needed to engage and collaborate meaningfully across differences through interactions that...
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