Academic Briefing - Expert Advice for Higher Ed Leaders
Open education

Curt Bonk Talks about Open Education

Open education really breaks into two forms: open courses and open resources.  Open courses are the MOOCs hosted on Coursera, EdX, and elsewhere. Open courses allow higher education to advance its fundamental mandate of serving the public good by making its faculty expertise freely available to the world. By contrast, open resources are free material from the outside world that higher education pulls into its teaching. 

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Accountability in its Many Forms

Calls for accountability in higher education have been heard for a number of years, with some of the first salvos being concerned with student learning and continual faculty productivity, the latter of which led to many institutions approving new policies on post-tenure review. Today, questions continue, but they are now focused on retention, graduation rates, the cost of higher education, and the value of the degrees in some of our disciplines.

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