Academic Briefing - Expert Advice for Higher Ed Leaders
How to Create a Successful TA Program in 5 Steps

How to Create a Successful TA Program in 5 Steps

A teaching assistantship program is a critical part of most graduate degree programs. Assistantships attract students and provide them with valuable experience, generate funding, and allow units to meet the demand for their courses. However, most students given assistantships have little or no formal teacher training. Any academic program relying on TAs in any capacity must dedicate resources to building a successful program. There are several steps a program can take to create a successful TA program (or improve an existing one).

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News and Trends

A Conversation with Barbara Lawton, Continued

Lawton recently sat down with Academic Leader Editor Jennifer Patterson Lorenzetti to discuss the increasing influence of fundraising in higher education. Read the first part of this interview in the October issue of the newsletter.

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