Academic Briefing - Expert Advice for Higher Ed Leaders
stress, work
Career Development

Creating Space, Relieving Stress, and Making the Job More Enticing

One downside of the chair position, aside from the heavy workload, is that it leaves little time to do the work that they originally joined the academy to do—research and individual scholarship. Yet, at the same time, a strong majority of those contributing to these surveys indicate that they are satisfied with their role as chair. Results also indicate growing stress levels among chairs.

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domestic violence, dating violence, stop
Risk Management

What Academic Leaders Should Know about Student Dating and Domestic Violence

According to the National Coalition against Domestic Violence (NCADV), domestic and dating violence includes intimidation, emotional abuse, threats, physical violence, and sexual violence. The abuse is part of a “systematic pattern” of behavior the abuser uses to have power over and control of an intimate partner.
It is also something students experience–and something that the Campus SaVE Act (the Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act of 2014) compels colleges and universities to know more about.

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domestic violence, dating violence, stop
Risk Management, Student Affairs

What Academic Leaders Should Know about Student Dating and Domestic Violence 

According to the National Coalition against Domestic Violence (NCADV), domestic and dating violence includes intimidation, emotional abuse, threats, physical violence, and sexual violence. The abuse is part of a “systematic pattern” of behavior the abuser uses to have power over and control of an intimate partner. It is also something...
Academic Leader
