Academic Briefing - Expert Advice for Higher Ed Leaders
Man looking at road that has ended
Program Development

When the End Is in Sight

There comes a time in the life of an academic program when it is no longer viable due to dropping enrollments, lack of faculty resources, budget cuts, changing external contexts, or other factors. When the decision is made to close a program, the department chair’s attention to planning will be

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Instructor sitting in library looking at computer
Mission and Philosophy

Why Getting It Done Is Often Better Than Getting It Perfect

Although the remark has been attributed to lots of different people, it was Voltaire who first observed (in his Dictionnaire Philosophique, 1764) that “the perfect is the enemy of the good” (Le mieux est l’ennemi du bien). It has become such a common saying that we recite it almost without thinking.

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Man looking at road that has ended
Program Development

When the End Is in Sight 

There comes a time in the life of an academic program when it is no longer viable due to dropping enrollments, lack of faculty resources, budget cuts, changing external contexts, or other factors. When the decision is made to close a program, the department chair’s attention to planning will be...
Academic Leader
