Academic Briefing - Expert Advice for Higher Ed Leaders
Building Best Practices for Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness

Stepping Out of Silos: Building Best Practices for Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness

Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness are two of the most important units within any higher education entity and are necessary to ensure an institution is focused on accomplishing the mission. Academic Affairs is familiar to those who have functioned in the college environment. Traditionally, Academic Affairs is the division known

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having a conversation about course ratings
Faculty Evaluation

Conversations about Course Ratings: Encouraging Faculty to Make Changes

Talking with faculty about end-of-course ratings is generally a high-stakes conversation where merit raises, promotions, or permanent contracts are on the line or at least hovering in the background of the exchange. Most chairs, program coordinators, or division heads would like to use the conversation for more formative purposes—to engage

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Building Best Practices for Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness

Stepping Out of Silos: Building Best Practices for Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness 

Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness are two of the most important units within any higher education entity and are necessary to ensure an institution is focused on accomplishing the mission. Academic Affairs is familiar to those who have functioned in the college environment. Traditionally, Academic Affairs is the division known...
Academic Leader
