What Academic Leaders Should Know about Student Dating and Domestic Violence
According to the National Coalition against Domestic Violence (NCADV), domestic and dating violence includes intimidation, emotional abuse, threats, physical violence, and sexual violence. The abuse is part of a “systematic pattern” of behavior the abuser uses to have power over and control of an intimate partner. It is also something...
Can Technology Improve Student Safety?
The Companion app, explain the University of Michigan students, provides more immediate safety. “If the user strays off their path, falls, is pushed, starts running, or has their headphones yanked out of their phone, the app detects these changes in movement and asks the user if they're OK. If the...
Six Steps to Process Students’ Stress
School administrators are often on the front lines for student trauma—the first person with whom a student confides about incidents that can create significant stress. In turn, many school administrators must also consider how to process these traumas to minimize adversely impacts from their own stress levels.
Moving Beyond One and Done Sexual Misconduct Trainings
Basic sexual misconduct trainings are important, but for Title IX compliance and proper sexual misconduct training, administrators should do more. It is important to consider steps to take beyond simply baseline compliance.
How to Build a Threat Assessment Team on Campus
The list of potential risks and threats a university or college campus may face is quite long and complex. Threat assessment teams can facilitate the process of managing these threats, handling the decision-making process, and developing a supportive and proactive campus culture. Every team should be developed with the goal...
More than Words: Looking at the Context of Consent
Voluntary consent is a core tenet of all discussions concerning sexual activity. Looking at the context of consent means looking at the big picture: the effect your relationship might have on giving consent, situations where consent might be invalid, and certain responsibilities partners must uphold in establishing voluntary consent.
Succession Planning for Academic Leaders
Every academic leader should have a succession plan. A good leadership succession plan provides a way for the college or university to reconsider how it performs core functions and maintains suitable progress while taking the steps necessary to secure its long-term future.
Anatomy of a Budget Crisis: Wright State University Makes Nearly $31M in Cuts
In spring of 2017, Wright State University implemented nearly $31 million in budget cuts to make up for five years of overspending. Part of these cuts include elimination of 189 positions and the possibility of discontinuing the school’s swimming and diving teams.
Internal Perspective on Data Analysis
Positive recruitment efforts lead to tighter retention numbers, and both spheres operate as a couple in a complementary relationship. The institution cannot graduate students without having students. Likewise, schools cannot recruit students without having retained students.
The Flywheel of Retention
After sagging for several years, our four- and six-year graduation rates ticked upward in 2015. Our fall-to-spring retention rate was up roughly two points, and our preliminary fall-to-fall rate followed suit. The number of students on probation dropped by about one-quarter. All these improvements are having an impact on our...