Group of people huddled together with hands in the middle
Faculty Development, Program Development

Providing Leadership and Support to Professionally Develop Adjunct Faculty 

Adjunct faculty may be the most overused and under-resourced groups of individuals in higher education. Many departments and courses would not function, or at least not function well, without adjunct faculty. Yet despite being in many cases essential members of a department, adjuncts receive modest pay, typically by the course...
Group of students outside university building
Mission and Philosophy

Campus Civility Project: Emotionally Intelligent Conversations 

For more articles like this, check out an Academic Leader subscription or a free three-week trial!  Because divisive national political rhetoric has spilled over into higher education, Wake Technical Community College launched the Campus Civility Project: Emotionally Intelligent Conversations in 2017. This project was part of a Campus Compact Fund for Positive...
College students with books smiling to camera over grey wall, having break
Mission and Philosophy

The Departmental Gestalt: Fostering Student Major Identity and Program Pride 

This article first appeared in Academic Leader on September 4, 2020 © Magna Publications. All rights reserved. Like many others in the trenches of academia, we’ve chaired, taught, and advised in a small, understaffed, underfunded, and oversubscribed program. While other understaffed and oversubscribed departments limped along, ours notably thrived, resulting in strong...