Person gardening

Tellin’ Ain’t Leadin’ 

Every now and then, some young person or other—usually a friend’s child—will ask me what I do for a living. I try to make my answer appropriate to the child’s age, often describing a dean’s similarities to and differences from the principal of a school. Frequently, the response I’ll get...
Glasses and pen on a piece of paper with shadows

Reflections of a Retired Dean 

To serve a college or university as a dean or provost is a special honor and responsibility. I had the pleasure to be in such offices—from department chair, to division head, to dean, to vice president for academic affairs, to provost, to interim president, and (finally!) to senior vice president...
Virus drawn on chalkboard with mask laying on chalkboard

Six Lessons from the Pandemic 

This article first appeared in Academic Leader on December 14, 2020. © Magna Publications. All rights reserved. With the coronavirus pandemic affecting every aspect of our lives, now is the time for us to learn from each other. While Allegheny College has the advantage of being small, private, and located in rural Pennsylvania,...
Number five surrounded by questions marks

Five Tips for Making Tenure 

This article first appeared in Academic Leader on June 27, 2016. © Magna Publications. All rights reserved. While the words “tenure track” make it sound like there’s a smooth set of rails that will take you from hiring through to a position on the permanent tenured faculty, “tenure obstacle course” might in fact...
Diverse group of numerous students
Best Practices

Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder 

This article first appeared in Academic Leader on March 16, 2017. © Magna Publications. All rights reserved. The fastest-growing developmental disability is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). There is an interesting debate about whether this growth is a product of increased autism incidence or what has been dubbed “diagnostic substitution” (i.e., moving people from...