Curriculum, Pedagogy

Recruiting Subject Matter Experts for Curriculum and Course Design: Three Nonmonetary Strategies 

For many institutions, attracting quality subject matter experts (SMEs) for curriculum and course design is challenging under the best circumstances. Budgetary constraints often compel institutions to pursue nonmonetary recruitment strategies. Furthermore, money is not always the deciding factor in an SME’s choice of opportunities. Successful, passionate practitioners have many options...
geometric unicorn

Finding Your Unicorns: Creating a Data-Informed Culture 

This article first appeared in Academic Leader on January 1, 2018 © Magna Publications. All rights reserved. A recent article, “Higher Education’s Data Experts Face a Crossroads,” in the Chronicle of Higher Education examines the changing profile of institutional researchers.  Akin to the characters in the movie Ghostbusters, historically, they were the people you called...
Moving from Courses to Curriculum

Moving from Courses to a Curriculum 

What does it mean to offer students a curriculum as opposed to a series of related courses? How does a program, major, or minor encourage students to make meaningful connections between courses so that they develop strong professional identities? I’ve been thinking a lot about these questions. I used to...
Building a Pathway to Cultural Competence Through Academic Service Learning
Curriculum, Scholarship

Building a Pathway to Cultural Competence Through Academic Service Learning 

As colleges and universities seek to prepare students for professional careers in a diverse, global society, the attainment of cultural competence is an essential capacity that can no longer be overlooked. Cultural competence involves the awareness, knowledge, and skills needed to engage and collaborate meaningfully across differences through interactions that...